‘The Seer has a tragic story, and her fate is intricately interwoven with that of a
creature from the Other Side of Midnight, called the Thief of Eyes. In her youth, the
Seer was a normal woman, she saw no wyrd, and had not developed the long sight.
She was a scholar, and loved the wilderness and to explore. A Hedge witch of sorts,
she drifted, gathering herbs and passing through towns where she could cure
ailments. Never pausing long.
One night she entered a dark cave and saw a mysterious glow at the back; a blue
shimmering light. She passed through it and found herself 'elsewhere'. The portal
began to close in her wake, and she felt terrible wracking pain from negative energy
fluctuations which scarred her hands and caused her terrible harm. In her horror she
attempted to flee, but was leapt upon by an octagonal faced fright! The Thief of Eyes
is ever an opportunist and spied an easy victim! The eyes of this wicked being
grafted into morphic flesh, seem ever rejected. Even the Thief of Eyes does not
understand why! The Thief stole the eyes of the woman, and as she groped blindly
she snatched one back from its flesh. By magic this eye bonded to the explorer, but
was too large for the empty sockets where her own had been. Instead it now sat,
with arrow slit pupil and a balefulness, in her forehead...
Vision restored albeit with some issues of depth perception, the woman broke free or
in truth had been deserted by the Thief of Eyes, happy with its trophies. The woman,
now Seer, dived through the portal back to the cave in the Land of the Quick. It
sealed in her wake. The Seer has been hunting the Thief of Eyes ever since, hoping
to regain her own from the scavenger being...’
The Seer is characterised by the Seer’s Staff she carries. It helps her deal at times
with the depth perception issues she has now, but also grants her a weapon which
can never be broken. The gift of her sightedness means she is sometimes better
able to discern weaknesses in her enemies, when striking with it...

The Seer comes with a Seer Miniature, a Hero card, the Seer’s Staff, and 11 Skill cards.
The Seer’s Staff Comes with a Staff which confers a Critical Hit when a Triskelion cube is added to her Combat attack, after the attack is made. This item has 0 Durability, it cannot be broken or used by anyone other than the Seer.
Glimpse She may look at a BoR (Book of Revelations)entry without having first chosen it, or reached the point of triggering it, once per game.
Dire Warning Spend Triskelion. The Seercan look at the top card in the Trap deck and leave it on top or place it to the bottom. Once per Turn. Flip the card when you use it, and flip it back up when you start the next Hero Phase.
The Knowing She can interrupt play to give up a cube to allow a Hero who has successfully searched, to draw 2 treasures, and collect the one they choose and put the other back on top of the Treasure Deck.
Mists of Time Spend Triskelion; the Seer may advance the Round Tracker or Reduce it by 1 once per game. In Dungeon Crawl, this can also be done to add 1 or reduce 1 from the number of Tiles drawn for events affected by this. As a once per game Skill it costs 10 souls to purchase.
Intervention Spend a Triskelion in the Hero Phase, OR in the Enemy Phase from your Bank, to interrupt play when a Hero is about to take damage. Perform a Will Test. Reduce the damage by 1 per success.
Twist of Fate If the Hero has banked a cube, they may use that cube to redraw the Spawn Card at the of a Game Round. If there is no Spawn Card, but there is a random Trigger event roll, this roll can be re-rolled instead.
Faze Enemy The Hero may spend a cube at any time to slow the movement of 1 enemy in LoS by 1 per cube spent. Once per turn. Flip the card when you use it, and flip it back up when you start the next Hero Phase.
Twilight Witness For one cube the Seer may teleport to the zone of a Hero in Twilight. While the Seer is in the zone the Hero gets to re-roll a failed Will save. Cool Down equal to the number of times this is done in the Game Round.
1.Vision of Triumph(U) Interrupt when a Hero fails a test or rolls in Combat and misses. Test Will to add your successes to their roll.
2. Vision of Failure (Triskelion) Interrupt after an Enemy makes a test or an attack to force them to re-roll. This can be played in the Enemy Phase from the bank.
3. Eldritch Eye(Soul)if this Hero ever suffers 4 or more damage to any Attribute from an Enemy, target that Enemy immediately with a Hand of Dice. Deal 2 damage back per success and score a Critical Hit if you roll a Triskelion. Once per Game. As a once per game available, Eldritch Eye costs 10 Souls.

‘The Shadow Dancer, like the Shadow Adept, has entered and dwelled long within the Plane of Shadow. Unlike the Shadow Adept, who when confronted by the Primordial Darkness sought to control it, and bring order to it, the Shadow Dancer did not. Instead when she stepped through the Door of Night into Perpetual Shadow, she glimpsed the Primordial Darkness and gave herself to it. The darkness itself is inside her. The Shadow Adept looks upon the Shadow Dancer as a force of Chaos, and trusts her not, for he prefers the dependable nature of Order. The Shadow Dancer sees the Adept as a narrow minded meddler, seeking to control and conquer, while she is simply a free spirit, wild in abandonment.
Often fighting using ancestral relic blades, the Shadow Dancer is capable of dazzling feats, whether it seems she is wild with the wielding of the Shadow or if in fact it seems the Shadow is wielding her, the Dancer is mobile, acrobatic, and ferocious. Unlike the Adept she thinks nothing of stealing the Shadow of those around her when they are not looking, in order to infuse her powers and make them more potent. She can even awaken the shadows of beings in her midst, and such is their response to her electrifying presence that they might seek to tear themselves from their hosts...’
The Shadow Dancer is characterised by the Skill Primordial Sight, which allows her to ignore the Darkness condition. She is headstrong, impetuous, lithe, graceful and speedy. Her attacks can infect her enemies with a shadow infusion most bodies reject while in considerable pain. It flows in her veins like quicksilver...

Comes with 11 Skills Cards, Sliver of Shadow Relic Card, Soul Riever Relic Card, Hero Card and 2 extra translucent Black Dice, 6 Shadow Cubes.
Starts play with Primordial Sight, and can purchase Sliver of Shadow, ancestral relic blade, for 15 Souls at any time:
The Sliver of Shadow is a Superior weapon, with 4 Durability and a value of 400 Gold Coins. It deals +1 damage in Combat & allows a Shadow Dancer to use stolen shadow to increase the Combat damage value in attack from 1 to 2.
Spend 10 Souls after purchasing the Sliver of Shadow to purchase the Soul Riever, ancestral relic blade.
The Soul Riever is a Superior Weapon, with 2 Durability and a value of 400 Gold Coins. The Dancer may spend 1 Soul to deal 1 additional damage per Combat in an attack made with Sliver of Shadow to a different target Range 0.
Primordial Sight: Grants this Hero Darkvision, so they can ignore the Darkness condition.
1.Lethal Strike: If this Hero generates a Triskelion in a Combat attack, it is a Critical Hit.
2. Shadow Infused Strike:If this Hero generates an Enemy in a Combat attack which deals damage, place a Black Dice set to 1 on an Enemy. It deals 1 unblockable damage at the end of each Game Round. Cool Down: 3 then remove Black Dice.
3.Precision Shadow Infusion: As Shadow Infused Strike, but deals 3 unblockable damage at the end of each Game Round. Cool Down:5 then remove the Black Dice.
Shadow Thief: Spend Triskelion; steal Shadow from another Hero. Deal 1 damage to an Attribute of your choice on that Hero. Gain 1 Shadow Cube. A Dancer must spend 1 Shadow Cube to use any Skill with Infusion.
Flip Card for Solo Card:The same, except the Hero must sacrifice a cube from an Attribute, stealing from their own Shadow.
1.Dark Tempest: Interact: Test Might If the Hero generates an Enemy result, and the target is a 40 mm Corporeal Enemy. Place that Enemy prone. That Enemy only stands up on it’s next activation.
2.Storm of Ages: Interact: Test Might. This Hero can attack a Door with a Shadow Storm. If the Hero generates an Enemy result, double the successes. If these exceed the Durability, the Door is open.
Sleight of Shadow: This Hero can make an attack against a Chest. A Triskelion in the attack doubles the successes.
1.Shadow Dance: Triskelion to use. A Shadow Dancer may use a Banked Interact in the Enemy Phase to roll HoD in Defence against an Enemy Attack, or an Interact in the Hero Phase to roll a HoD in Defence against ANY trap.
2.Dance of Shadow’s Veil: A Shadow Dancer may dodge the attack of Enemy types in the Hero Phase, spending 1 Shadow or Soul per dodge made. Cool Down: 3
3. Awaken Shadow:(Interact) Use Vs Corporeal enemy, Range 0-1. Roll a Hand of Dice. If you roll an (Enemy)deal 1 damage per (Combat) as its own shadow assaults it. A Triskelion present inflicts Critical Hit. Once per Game.