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‘The Channeller draws on the unseen, and the spirit world, for inspiration and support, for insight, and for healing. When people perish in this world, where do they go? The Channeller believes that they know the answer, that those people can be reached, and that some of them want to help those of us here on the mortal plane. Strong bonds, connections, to dear loved ones in the Land of the Quick are like tendrils of energy remaining connected, or nerves in a body beyond the comprehension of most of us in the Circles of the World. The Channeller knows there are malicious and hate-filled spirits too, some doomed to dwell in the mists between the worlds, lost and resentful, bitter and wicked. The Land of the Dead is reviled by such as they seek a means to return to the material. Evil spirits and  those who are trapped in their own purgatory are on the fringe of that realm. They lurk on those fringes, isolated on islands within seas of mist, or in shadowed citadels, or sunken refuges. They seek to mislead any of the Quick who venture within, and are quick to find any means to escape, even briefly when the Veil is thin, to wreak havoc.A Channeller knows that such spirits are dangerous and experienced Channellers take great measures to protect themselves from such evil.

The spirits in the ether are not only formerly human. Some are Sidhe spirits, and some are other beings entirely unknown, or demons, no longer bound by the laws imposed by their now forgotten Gods. Those can be the most dangerous of all!’

The Channeller is characterised by the Skill ‘Healing Circle’ for when we form these circles we Quick are most unified, powerful and resourceful. There is nothing we cannot achieve together, single minded of purpose, our will intent on bending the material to our desires. The Channeller knows that while their path is one of healing and calm, that others conduct such rituals for opposite ends, drawing malignant spirits through the realms and into this. Such miscreants and corrupted need dealing with! Never stand idle while the wicked work, to permit evil to complete its work is to condone that work...


The Channeller comes with a Channeller miniature, a Hero card and 12 Skill cards. So let’s get that deep dive into what the Channeller brings to your game from this Hero Pack.

Healing Circle:(Class)(Interact):Range 0. Test Will. Channeller may restore 1 Health to all Heroes in the zone for each success, +1 success per 2 cubes spent by those in the zone. Cubes must be spent before the Test is made. This skill has a Cool Down:3

Circle of Protection:(Universal+Interact)Range 0 Zonal, Defence 1 for every 2 cubes sacrificed by Heroes in the zone. Place a Black dice in the zone to mark the Defence Value there. This lasts until the start of the Channeller’s activation in the next Hero Phase. Once Per Game. Remember these cost 10 Souls to unlock and therefore cannot be chosen as a Starting Skill.

Providence:(Class)(Interact):Range 0. Each Hero in the zone gains +1 success to a test of Might, Faith, Mettle or Will this round, for each Cube they sacrifice. The Test must be made immediately after the Skill is used, and the sacrifice made. Does not apply to those in Twilight.

Divine Light:(Class)(Interact): Range 0. Roll a Hand of Dice or an HoD, bypassing Defence, to score damage per success to target Undead. +1 damage per additional cube spent in casting.

Aid: Test Will. The successes equal the range for this effect. Sacrifice a Cube to grant another Hero a Cube of the same type. To be clear, Line of Sight is not necessary here which is why it is not mentioned on the card.

Break Curse:(Interact)(Universal) Test Will:6 and lose 1 Will for each point of failure. Remove 1 Curse from a target Hero, or use this skill as a Reaction, interrupting play,to deny the Curse of an enemy. Range 0.

Aura of Positive Energy:(U) which means Universal cube, and is one of any type.Range 0. Any Undead targeting you at Range 0 or any ranged curse or rite targeting you this round results in 1 damage being dealt to the attacker. You may still be harmed as normal.

Restitution:(Interact)(Interact):Range 0. Any Hero in the zone may spend a cube to restore an attributeby 1, and the Hero may do this to multiple attribute, and multiple times per attribute. This may only be performed by the Channeller once per game. Remember once per game skills cost 10 Souls and cannot be purchased at the start.

Spirit Orb:(U)Range 0 -1, for each Triskelion spent, deal 1 damage to ALL in the zone OR for each Interact spent, ALL in the zone restore 1 to any single Attribute.

Spiritual Cleansing:(U)(U). Target Hero Range 0 may restore 1 Will, Faith or Mettle per Cube they spend.

Purification:(Interact)(U):Range 0. Target regains Health or dials down Poison by 1 for each success they generate on a Will Test.

Intervention:(Class)(Interact):Range 0. Will Test:3. Channeller may grant +1 success to theWill Test of aHero in Twilight for every 2 cubes spent and for each point by which the Will Test was passed. Cool Down:3

 ‘The Headhunter is a skilled warrior of Inis Fael, born to war and to prove himself on the field of battle! Tradition says that the soul of man dwells in the skull, and by claiming the heads of the fallen we have gained victory over in combat, we claim their powers, and perhaps some semblance of their skill at arms and knowledge.


The Headhunter takes that tradition and brings it to a new level of mastery and zeal. Despite the name, they harvest far more from their enemies than merely the heads. They take hands, even feet! Some of these warriors have been known to gorge on the recently slain, slaking their thirst even as the lifeblood of the fallen pumps out into the earth.


Their practices may seem barbaric and savage, but this thirst is the thirst for knowledge, and rejuvenation, and the body parts of the dead you have gained victory over give great power to the survivor and great honour to the departed. This act of collecting the heads of the enemies you kill has the added benefit of being testament to your claims of the death count in battle, making Headhunters popular as mercenaries! Headhunters are skilled hunters and trackers, often stalking enemies with expertise unrivalled. Their connection to the spirit world and even the Primordial Darkness in the grisly trophies they carry give to them preternatural vision and instinct. They are relentless, and chilling foes, as they are crafty and cunning.

The Headhunter comes with a Headhunter miniature, a Hero card and 12 Skill cards. So let’s get that deep dive into what the Headhunter brings to your game from this Hero Pack.

1.Sever Head: Collect a Head instead of a Soul on a Kill when theattack includes Triskelion to a Max:5. Enemy must not be Incorporeal! Place a Cool Down to 1. Dial Down to roll twice your Might in combat when attacking. Be aware weapons get damaged rather easily doing this! Even Superior weapons! More about that another time!

2.Use your Head!: Use a collected head to add +1 success to a Faith, Will, Mettle Test or Search this round.
Critical Blow: If an attack roll contains (Triskelion), +2 Damage.

Sundering Strike: If an attack roll contains (Enemy), ignore 1 Defence of Target.

Defensive Stance: If your attack fails to damage, gain 1 Defence until your next attack. Place a Black dice on your Dashboard set to 1 so you remember (unless you are just going to carry on attacking).

Necklace of Shrunken Heads:(Interact) You trap a soul earned into a Shrunken Head. Place Cool Down Dice set to 1. Dial Up when Soul is spent this way. (U) Use any cube to dial down to release captive souls over a Hero in Twilight Range 0. Hero adds +1 to Will Test this round per soul released. Limit:6

Severed Hand: On kill, remove a hand from target per Class or Enemy result in the combat roll. Max. 2 hands per kill.  Enemy must not be Incorporeal! Counts as small item. Sacrifice X Severed Hands to gain X (Interact) or +X success to a Might Test or Combat roll.Place a Cool Down = to Hands carried on this Skill.

Severed Foot: On kill, remove a foot from the corpse per Class or Enemy result in the combat roll to a max. 2 feet per kill. Enemy must not be Incorporeal. Counts as small item. Discard to gain 1 (U) movement. Place a Cool Down on this Skill = to Feet carried.

Stalk: When an Enemy in LoS(line of sight)moves away from this Hero, this Hero may follow it 1 zone for each Skill possessed, provided LoS is maintained. Move the Enemy 1, then the Stalking Hero 1, until LoS is broken, Enemy stops moving or Hero reaches their 'Stalk' limit.

Consume Severed Heart:(Interact & Combat) Immediately after kill vs Keyword Living, Corporeal, Demon, Sidhe, or Giant (no Undead or Incorporeal) gain 2 Health +1 if the enemy is a Demon, +2 if the Enemy is a Sidhe, and +3 if the Enemy is a Giant.

Drink Blood(Interact):Drink blood from the freshly slain immediatelyafter they have been killed, by you or another Hero. +1 Health. Keyword: Living, Giant(+2 Health), Sidhe(+2 Health).

Preternatural Gaze(U): Ignores Darkness penalty when attacking this round.

So that concludes this investigation into the grim nature of the Headhunter, in so much as by modern standards, the poor fellow might be judged ill. I am sure in his world, it all makes sense. The eagle-eyed will notice the Enemy Type Giant. Yes there are no Giants in this game. But you see, there might be in this world, and there is a bigger picture, I rather think...

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