Welcome to the House of Triskelion! This is the forum we are in the process of building for our members, fans of the
The Thinning Veil, backers of our game; our friends, the Triskelion family.
Bear with us as we get this set up, and explore and refine the options. For now our aim is to get this as functional as possible. Much love and Blessed Be!
Hi there,
I just joined but have been following TTV for half a year or so. I am interested in TTV because of the deep Celtic mythology and magical connections with our ancestors in this mortal realm. I have been immersed in esoteric stuff for over 30 years and the Old Religions and Gnostic traditions in particular. Because my professional life started as a translator (for companies like IBM and Adobe), I decided to offer my translation skills and esoteric knowledge to support this wonderful project. I am Dutch, so there might be a Dutch version of TTV lurking in the future, adding another language of the original Celtic realm. Where I live used to be where the Eburon Celtic/Gallic tribe lived before Julius Caesar obliterated them.
Looking forward to start working on the Cormac Mac Airt journey through the Veil.
Blessed be,
Para mi mago, aunque no nos conozcamos, siento que tienes la misma pasión que yo por los juegos, este ahora en especial, y somos hombres de palabra,avisame cuando estés más libre, y tengo que hablarte de alguien que conocí con mucho talento👍
I just want to thank you all here, it has been a long journey to this stage, and we have a business model which is sustainable and a solid foundation.
The game is now 1 or 2 player as you are aware.
The page is coming along. Paul and I have been working around the clock to make improvements and keep up, while only really those of you here are aware of the difficulties we have faced to realise the Thinning Veil., leading to this project and concept.
We have now opened up four stretch goals and are on track for the fifth, everything eventual.
With your help, as I have always maintained, we can move mountains. They would not call it the Hero's Journey if it were easy. Answers sought, not given, questions burned, doorways opened.
We take our first steps into the Beyond.
Can't tell you how glad I am not to be alone. Been there, done that, and the world in your hand isn't worth the horror in your heart.
Love this feast of friends, and thank you all from the deepest wells of transcendence. Together we can slay demons...
Hola mago ,te escribí un mail ayer, leí el tuyo muchas gracias, me encantaría conocerte,no me gusta hablar cosas personales a las que llegamos tu y yo(no penséis mal,mentes calenturientas)
Hello, I would like to wish the best for Cormaic's campaign today. 1-2 players is not for me but I hope this goes really well so I can come back for the og Thinning Veil.
I've just been keeping my nose to the tombstone. ;)
I realise I've not been speaking much this last 6 months, I've not had much to say, and my head has been in business, but we're rewarding subscribers for their patience with a sneak peek at the crowdfunding contents for the game play, beyond what is demonstrated on the video playthrough, shown on the project pre-launch or mentioned anywhere across social media. But what have I been up to, I hear almost no one ask? Well, imaginary inquirer, I've been working to improve the project to satisfy the requests, suggestions and outright demands of the good, good people! I've been schmoozing with industry insiders, and gleaning what afflicts them. I've been nose to the grindstone on a top secret project. I've been improving the business and working on prototypes. I've been arranging for us to be exhibitors at the UK Games Expo and Tabletop Scotland. I've been illustrating, working with wonderful artists and our lead sculptor, extensively. Oh, and I've also been writing. A lot. I've also been designing an entirely new game or two, over the same duration. I'll soon be able to reveal more about this, but for now I must focus on Cormac Mac Airt on the Other Side of Midnight... We launch on the 14th of May and now it is upon us it feels exciting. Though I am tempering my excitement, of course, experience has taught me at least that much. I hope we do well, obviously, but it is more important to continue to learn and to develop, as a company and as an individual. That said, there are limits even to my patience. Third time is the charm, they say...
If any of you will be at UKGE this year, we're in Hall 2 Booth 1003 and will be demonstrating Cormac Mac Airt, for sure, but perhaps also a little known project we call 'The Thinning Veil'. We're not selling anything, though we'll be live on Gamefound during the event. In fact our campaign will run until June 11th. The focus will be on gaming with gamers and establishing a presence on the scene. I'm able to deal much better with my social anxiety from a few years back, and I'm genuinely looking forward to the events we have in the diary. Not that I keep a diary. It is more a sort of book of grudges I stole from a dastardly rogue and I also have a grimoire, for note taking. It's like an armoire but there are less arms in it and more 'grim', really.
You'll be receiving a newsletter via owl shortly. The owls are in flight this night. Hooting away across the world under the glimmer light. Maybe they'll leave something for you. Something nice, not a bloody owl pellet...
Until next time Heroes,
Blessed Be
as already written on Gamefound, I would like to offer my voluntary help at least for proofreading German materials for CMA, maybe also with the translation (even though I'm not a professional translator).
It's awesome you will provide a German version!
Best regards,
Gracias de nuevo GreGF y Sobretodo Al Mago, si que sabes mas o menos por lo que estoy pasando. Pero aqui nadie se rinde, todos a una para sacar este maravilloso juego adelante. Si pudiera ayudar en algo ,avisar. Por lo de pronto intentare darle difusion en varios grupos de redes sociales de habla hispana que tengo,para que llegen a mas el proyecto
Cuidaros y un abrazo a todos.
Buenas, acabo de inscribirme, y a muerte com este proyecto que me parece increible ahora y como era antes(lo vo hoy como era, no se como no apoyaron ese proyecto increibles, y mientras otros....en fin.
Muchisimas gracias a sir greg GF y sobretodo su creador; que ha entendido mi situacion(accidente laboral de casi 1 año y 3 operaciones en un pie....y aun queda mas) y me a apoyado u animado,con palabras y con su juego ;). Gracias
Hello and good morning fellow explorer's of good stories and brilliant game design.
I've had a quick browse of the comments and I fully back the adventure game idea. Wizkids made a series of dungeons and dragons adventure board games that are interconnected but work on their own and they are fantastic overall. So Breaking the scenarios down like that could work really well overall and it would mean that people can buy smaller sets and not be as put off by the sheer scale. Which is a weird idea but human mentality is weird.
I was also wondering could you possibly rejig the lore etc and publish a setting or supplement for a ttrpg. As that could be relatively inexpensive to work on and if you have a print on demand service as the base goal and then have a full book as a stetch goal?
Regardless of anything. Hello and I'm so looking forward to the future of this company and all it will grow to.
Now off to get myself one of those awesome
Hello from me as well. Of course time will tell and I trust ye but would you think a smaller project with a more affordable price which can have also a pledge for the former primordial pledge, would this thing work??
Hello! I've joined! I can't wait to get some news and see how is everything going. I hope life will be better nicer to both of you from now on, after all the sad news you had this year.
I've been reading the most recent comment in KS and I agree launching a smaller project would be a great idea to raise some funds and get more attention in this competitive world. You probably already have, but just in case, I highly recommend you to check how Into the Unknown started and where they are now: from two miniatures KS some years ago to a 9.5 in BGG for one of the biggest games in history! That's what we want for Triskelion too! Together we are invencible!😎 Long live Rock and Triskelion!
Welcome all! Do sign up as a forum member and sort your Avatar image, and join in! Let's get to know each other as the team work on expanding the forum and shop!
Welcome Heroes! ❤️