Hail Hero! Welcome to the Round Table of Camelyn! In this place you can pull up a chair, and listen to the Heroes of the Veil share their news or share some of your own! Here at the House of Triskelion we do not ask you respect one another, we simply assume you are responsible enough to treat others respectfully of your own accord and if it is proven otherwise ye shall be thrice cursed! Remember; we are all friends here.

It is actually intended as a discussion group about the game, and the development of it going forward. We welcome all topics for discussion and we'll join in as we may, and hopefully we can continue our bonds well into the future, through the mists of time.
Ours backers have been so passionate and so willing to help us succeed and it has been wonderful to get to know you all. We hope we can continue that here with you all. Do get yourself a membership, set up a profile pic, and join us at the table!
Much love & Blessed Be!
There is a forthcoming development to the site, as we'll be adding a section on Red Mist shortly. This is a 1 to 10 player narrative skirmish game set in Inis Fael. Link is here: https://gamefound.com/en/projects/triskelion-games/the-thinning-veil---red-mist
I've finished the rulebook for the game, but have not started the campaign book yet, though many ideas for it are in note form. Playtesting has begun, all the card decks are written save for the full extent of Twilight cards and some tables. Sculpts for Red Mist are coming along well, I've been showing some painted examples as I work through some painting commission commitments I agreed to in order to secure some prototypes! Cormac is going well, and the printing for the Printed Pledges is in full swing. I will move on to the painted pledges as soon as I have honoured my commitment to the UK firm.
I've almost finished the card decks for Denizens of Midnight, and am on the final drafts for Cormac scenarios. 'A Reiver's Tale' will form the lion's share of the work in terms of game development going forward. We'll have some news on that front soon.
I hope you're all well, and looking forward to the project development as the world of the Thinning Veil begins to open up for you to explore!
Red Mist will now launch with full production in China, including miniature content. We're going to go for it and see what happens!